Black women in the workplace

Private Coaching Program

A dedicated premium program with one-on-one sessions individualized to each client to help you level up for the next stage of your career.

You deserve a career that is exciting, intellectually stimulating, expands your influence and contribution to your organisation and pays you well.

Are you ready to move from feeling invisible, unrecognized, and underpaid? To being recognized and approached by the decision makers in your company for a promotion and stimulating projects. Do you want to get the respect and recognition of your peers and superiors, to feel confident enough to go for positions that you really want? Would you like to be equipped with exactly what it takes to move to the next level of your career?

With the concentrated nature of this transformational coaching, you will be able to make major and accelerated shifts in your career and workplace.

June 28, 2021
1:00pm Atlantic Time

My Story

I was always the bridesmaid and never the bride. I was always the supporting act, the hard working side-kick to my manager to finally running my own department where I get the visibility and respect that I am worth. I was able to accelerate my career into my current academic career that I assumed would only happen when I retire. I moved from an invisible, drained and depressed black woman in the workplace to a visible high performer and I can help you do that too.


‘I really appreciate the way you listened actively and asked questions that helped me draw my own conclusions and uncover things about myself. I felt safe and understood talking to you. You spoke very gently and you were so reassuring, but you were also firm in helping me see where I could be at fault in my interactions with others. I really appreciate that you identify that problems at work are much deeper than the surface level of performance and skills, and you targeted the issues at the core of who I am. I learned so much from this session, and the lessons I took from it are priceless. I will be able to let go of my burdens and run and do amazing things in my career because of your guidance.’

- Ruth N

"You helped me to see aspects of the way I operate I have never seen before.
Thank you for the celebration - It feels good to celebrate achievement and to bask in that a little bit. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder - telling myself I am proud of my younger self and telling it is actually okay to be a child - the world does not break when you enjoy yourself. I have a lot to think about - just from this session with you. Thank you for the heart and eye opener"

- Confidence M

Early Bird - Discount

  • Get free access to the Re-imagine the next stage of your career online program valued at R5,997.00/USD $397.00

My Services

  • 6 Months Private Coaching
  • 2 sessions a month
    - (min 2hrs per session)
  • Email support between sessions

This investment that will transform your career, significantly increase your earning potential, increase your confidence and provide you with the tools that will impact the trajectory of your career.

Private coaching will provide you
with the tools to:

  • Exceed the required performance level of your current job so you can be so good they can’t ignore you and get to be part of the juicy projects and promotions
  • Raise your profile in your current job so you can get noticed by the influential people in your organization and get the respect and acknowledgement of your colleagues
  • Get clarity on exactly what you need to focus on to position yourself for your next promotion so you can work on the staff that matters and let go of the stuff that hinders you
  • Communicate the value that you bring to the company so you can position yourself for the next promotion or pay rise so you can be rewarded generously for the work that you do
  • Identify and articulate your transferable skills so you can nail that next interview and feel confident that you can succeed anywhere
  • Identify and overcome ways you sabotage yourself so you can be set free to pursue your dream career without getting in your own way.
  • Improve your influence so you can get the acknowledgement and respect of your peers, bosses and colleagues
  • Create an environment and a life that supports your dreams, so you can sustain a successful career and life

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  • When you pay cash

Busisiwe Hlatswayo

Founder & Private Career Coach

for more information.

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